"Hot Hawaiian guitar and Jazz à la Django!"

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Caravan Song Hits 2,000,000 Streams!

Djangophonique + Christo's Novelty Combo on Tour!

On these special Djangophonique + Christo's Novelty Combo tour routes and concerts Andrew Brown and Katie Smith of Djangophonique (Ann Arbor, MI) are joined by Christo Ruppenthal and Forrest Evans of Christo’s Novelty Combo (Madison, WI). Together, they explore classics of Django Reinhardt's Hot Club swing sound and the American standard songbook, perform feature guitar and steel guitar instrumental pieces, and present some exciting examples of fused repertoire that you won't hear elsewhere!

Introducing AntiquiTone Vintage Guitars

"DIG Jazz" All Original Music Concert Now Streaming!

New Record! "Antique Aloha 2: That Hula Jazz"

New Band Alert!

Caravan Compilation Placement!